The oath was taken as the votes for a knight was a personal commitment to defend ideals, and then you would, in their routine life, in the past there were several orders, (of which we will talk later) as the Order St. George, the Templars, or as old as the Benjaminitas, and the Maccabees, in all these cases the gentleman came by the need to defend, never to attack, was a warrior who had to AVOID that the defenseless suffer at the hands of the oppressor , Over time this will Persio noble origin for various reasons, either because they "orders" because of the power that is corrupted by mixing acquired a material interest, or because the individuals fell to the temptation of power, and became the evil against which they fought (which is ironic is not it?)
that's why the oath of the knight, was essential, then you cite an oath "universal" extracted from the film "Heart of Dragon" presisamente where the main character, is in a struggle to regain their faith in the old ideals, (to be assumes that the oath was repeated by the novice, after which an oden said it out loud) the oath is this:
A gentleman swears value.
His heart knows only virtue.
His sword defends the defenseless.
Their strength sustains the affixes.
His word speaks only truth.
His wrath undoes evil.
Oath of the Knights of the old order.El juramento era como el tomar los votos para un caballero era un compromiso personal de que ideales defendería, y a partir de ahí sería, su rutina en la vida, en el pasado existíeron varias ordenes,(de las cuales hablaremos mas adelante) como la Orden de San Jorge, los Templarios, o tan antiguas como los Benjaminitas, y los Macabeos, en todos estos casos el caballero surgia por la necesidad de DEFENDER, nunca de atacar, era un guerrero que tenia que EVITAR que el indefenso sufriera a manos del opresor, con el tiempo este noble origen se persio por varios motivos, ya sea porque las mismas "Ordenes" debido al poder que adquirian se corrompian al mezclar intereses materiales, o porque los individuos caian ante la tentacion del poder, y se convertian el el mal contra el que ellos luchaban (que irónico ¿no?)
por eso el juramento del caballero, era escencial, a continuación le citaremos un juramento "universal" extraido de la pélicula: "Corazón de Dragón" donde presisamente el personaje principal, esta en una lucha por recuperar su fe en los antiguos ideales, (se supone que el juramento se repetia por el novicio, despues de que un odenado lo decia en voz alta) el juramento es este:
Un caballero Jura valor.
Su corazon solo conoce la virtud.
Su espada defiende a los indefensos.
Su fuerza sostiene a los afijidos.
Su palabra solo habla verdad.
Su ira deshace la maldad.
Juramento de los caballeros de la antigua orden.